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Urinary incontinence (UI) is an extremely common complaint in every part of the world. It causes a great deal of distress and embarrassment, as well as significant costs, to both individuals and societies. Estimates of prevalence vary according to the definition of incontinence and the population studied. However, there is universal agreement about the importance of the problem in terms of human suffering and economic cost. These Guidelines from the European Association of Urology (EAU) Working Panel on Urinary Incontinence are written by urologists primarily for urologists, though we recognise that they are likely to be referred to by other professional groups. They aim to provide sensible and practical evidence-based guidance on the clinical problem of UI rather than an exhaustive narrative review. Such a review is already available from the International Consultation on Incontinence (1), and so the EAU Guidelines do not describe the causation, basic science, epidemiology and psychology of UI. The focus of these Guidelines is entirely on assessment and treatment reflecting clinical practice. The Guidelines also do not consider patients with UI caused by neurological disease, or in children as this is covered by complementary EAU Guidelines (2,3). The EAU Panel knew that they would find little evidence for some issues and a lot of evidence for others. This difference, to some extent, reflects the greater funding available for industry-sponsored trials of drugs, the results of which are required for licensing in Europe and the USA. The less stringent regulatory requirements for the introduction of new devices or surgical techniques means that there are far fewer high-quality studies regarding these interventions. Although the lack of high-quality evidence means that judgements about the worth of interventions are prone to bias, the Panel took the view that clinicians still require some guidance concerning clinical practice. In these circumstances, we have summarised the available evidence and made recommendations based on expert opinion, with uncertainty reflected by a lower grade of recommendation


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Procesbeschrijving 12-12-2023

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